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Eatwild's Directory of U.S., Canadian and International Farms & Ranches

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Eatwild's Directory of Farms lists more than 1,400 pasture-based farms, with more farms being added each week. It is the most comprehensive list in the United States and Canada for grass-fedor pastured meat and dairy products, including: Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Goat, Elk, Venison, Yak, Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Turkeys, Eggs, Milk, Cheeses, and more!

Farms listed on this website certify they meet Eatwild's criteria. However we recommend you review their websites and call or visit them to make sure they satisfy your criteria. You can also look for listed farms that are certified by organizations such as Certified Humane or the American Grassfed Association, or follow kosher, halal, or other specific practices.

  • Click on a state or region below or use the alphabetical list to find suppliers in the US or Canada. Can't find what you're looking for near you? See our list of Farms that Ship.

  • Not ready to buy a quarter, half or whole beef? Check with your local farms or click on the Beyond the Farm link on your state page to find farmers markets, stores, restaurants or buying clubs that sell meats in small quantities or by the individual cut.

  • New to purchasing meat in bulk? Read "How to make sure you're getting healthy, tender meat" and Buying Meat for Your Freezer.
  • All-Grassfed Dairies: Milk from 100-percent grass-fed animals is much healthier than ordinary milk and deserves special attention. Visit our All-Grassfed Dairies page to find a list of these dairies and Jo Robinson's essay on Super Healthy Milk.

  • When you buy from an Eatwild supplier you get great food and support your local farmer. Eatwild does not receive any funds from your purchase. We exist thanks to the $50 annual listing fee (paid by farmers who joined us after 2011), sales from the Eatwild Store, and donations from individuals like yourself who support what we do. Click here to see a list of these wonderful folks!



Canada New Jersey Rhode Island Connecticut Delaware Maryland Massachusetts Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York Pennsylvania West Virginia Virginia # North Carolina South Carolina # Georgia Alabama # Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Indiana Michigan # Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Illinois Iowa Wisconsin Minnesota Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota New Mexico Arizona Utah Colorado Wyoming # Montana # International Hawaii Alaska Florida # Texas # Idaho Nevada California # Oregon # Washington


Pasture-based farmers: submit a "Request for Inclusion" for listing in the Eatwild directory and have your products seen by our 750,000+ annual visitors. (If you are currently listed, follow this link to revise or update your information.)





by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

NY Times Bestseller
by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

Eating on the Wild Side


Pasture Perfect
by Jo Robinson

book cover


Book Sales Support Eatwild.com


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