The following farms and ranches have certified
that they meet Eatwild's
criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products.
Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their
Ararat Farm is a family farm located in the mountains of Lee County, Virginia and dedicated to raising the healthiest, best-tasting grass-fed beef, woodland pastured pork, and GMO- and soy-free chicken you can find! We practice holistic management so we can better steward all life on our farm, from the microbes under the soil to the animals eating the grass.
Our cattle are intensively rotated through the pastures to ensure they always have access to premium grass and forbs and to allow plenty of regrowth time for the grass.
Our pigs are rotated through a combination of pasture and woods to allow them to forage to the fullness of the ability that God created them with.
Our broiler chickens are rotated daily through our fields to provide them with a fresh salad bar; they are supplemented with a GMO- and soy-free feed.
We have been proudly providing hormone- and antibiotic-free meats to customers for 10 years now. We sell the beef in bulk (quarter, halves, and whole) two times a year (spring and fall). We sell the pork by halves and whole in the summer (to take advantage of the grasses) and the winter (to take advantage of the fall acorn crop). We offer select cuts of beef and whole chickens directly off our website. We use a local processor to butcher the meat, so it is frozen hard, labeled, and vacuum-packed when you get it.
We welcome our customers to come visit the farm and see how their food is raised. Please contact us to get more information about ordering or about our farm.
Ararat Farm, Matt Watson or Mike Watson, 294 Ararat Drive, Jonesville, VA 24263. Matt: (276) 708-6913, Mike: (276) 393-6347.
E-mail: Website:
At Ashbourne Farms, our mission is to promote sustainable agricultural practices and intentional wildlife stewardship to maintain an optimal balance in the farm ecosystem. We strive not only to work as an operating farm, but also to manage our land and soils to the utmost standards to promote minimal erosion and optimal organic build-up. We believe that careful land management for farming and wildlife is the only way to assure a thriving, productive environment for generations to come.
We offer Grassfed Beef and Pastured Pork products to the consumer without the use of any antibiotics, growth hormones or steroids. Our unique mix of Shorthorn and Black Angus cattle are rotationally grazed across our ample pastures of rolling hills and mixed hardwood stands. Our pastured pork products come from heritage breed hogs, raised by a local farmer who adheres to the same sustainable farming practices as we do. We are proud members of the American Grassfed Association and are also Animal Welfare Approved.
Our ever-expanding gardens supply not only our farmer's markets, but also our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. We provide our customers with fresh produce on a weekly basis, without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Our farmer's markets and CSA distributions are open weekly from mid-May through mid-October. Registration for our CSA typically begins January 1st and closes when all shares have been sold.
We offer whole, half, quarter, or eighth cows as well as several custom packages and cuts of beef and pork, in addition to Stella’s Lucky Eggs. With easy online ordering and helpful customer service, we make it easy to "Satisfy your appetite for things that matter." Please contact us or visit our website for more information.
Ashbourne Farms, Cathy Shepherd, 3800 Old Westport Road, La Grange KY 40031. (502) 222-0602
E-mail: Website:
Bluegrass Bounty Farm is a small family farm in the bluegrass region of Kentucky, near the capital city of Frankfort. We are producing grass-fed/finished beef, a limited amount of woodland/pasture pork, and pasture-raised chicken and eggs. We use regenerative farming practices, including rotational grazing, to produce delicious and nutritious food while also improving the soil and increasing its ability to hold water and carbon. We use non-GMO feed and do not spray anything or use any antibiotics, steroids, or hormones.
We started out just wanting to grow our own healthy food for our family, with animals that are treated respectfully. Soon we realized there are many other people who want the same good food but do not have the ability to work a farm, so we decided to scale up a bit to produce enough to share. We have also been learning more and more about how sustainable farming may just be the answer to many of our planet’s problems. What started out as a personal hobby has turned into a passion to do our part.
For more information about the care and feeding of our animals and details about available products, please visit our website or contact us by email or phone.
Thank you for your interest in our farm and products. We work hard at farming, so you don’t have to!
Bluegrass Bounty Farm, Rick or Andrea Mehaffy, 875 S. Benson Road, Frankfort, KY 40601.
502-682-6408 (Rick) or 502-682-6406 (Andrea).
E-mail: Website:
Facebook: Bluegrass Bounty Farm.
Bush Farms Grass Fed Beef – Locally raised and processed Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Beef from our family to yours.
We are a 4th-generation farming family in Northeastern Kentucky and raise grass-fed, grass-finished Angus/Hereford beef, sold by the quarter, half, or whole share. The animals graze over 400 acres of our own land and are fed grass, hay, and mother’s milk. We take them to the processor between 850 and 950 pounds, yielding the most tender and delicious grass-fed beef. Perfect for a Keto, Ketovore, or Carnivore lifestyle!
Grass-Fed and Finished Beef has seven times more Omega 3s than traditional grain-fed beef, and our Regenerative Farming methods will assure that our children and grandchildren have not only grass, but good soil as well.
We have a newly renovated store on our farm where families can pick up their beef shares. We call it our "Meat-Ups."
We have been selling our Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Beef since 2002 and have many satisfied customers. Please visit and like our Facebook page for photos of our farm, recipes, and more.
Bush Farms Grass Fed Beef, John and Lana Bush, 652 Mt. Zion Road, Brooksville, KY 41004. 606-584-8212.
E-mail: Website: Facebook:
Dogwood Farm raises all beef calves from birth. In 1964, when the herd began as a 4-H project, the primary enterprise was the production of registered Polled Hereford breeding cattle on grass. Currently producing up to 85 calves annually, the closed herd is forage-oriented, selected for ability to thrive on pasture.
Dogwood Farm Herefords are docile, gentle-tempered cattle. Their relaxed natures and low-stress lives contribute to tenderness in the finished beef. DWF Hereford beef is naturally great-tasting, consistently flavorful meat. In fact, DWF ribeyes won Reserve Grand-Champion at the 2017 American Royal grassfed steak competition.
With healthful high-quality beef in mind, continuous natural soil improvement is high priority. All good health begins with healthy, regenerative soil, a wealth of organic matter from natural fertilization, and living microbial populations beneath the grass-covered surface. Consequently, we use no chemical pesticides or herbicides on our pastures, nor cattle growth hormones—ever—nor antibiotics except for exceedingly rare emergency treatment. Instead, moving cattle daily to fresh pasture and natural aids like mob-grazing and predator wasps help suppress fly populations, improve pastures and allow forages and soils to rest, recover and regenerate. Our cattle help discourage weeds by grazing and trampling immature plants, as does re-seeding with improved pasture species to help smother undesirable species.
DWF cattle graze a wide variety of warm-season and cool-season pasture grasses, clovers, and other legumes during the entire year through rotational management-intensive grazing. During winter months, beef steers and weaned calves graze stockpiled fescue, ryegrass, green wheat and sometimes rye, with good hay as supplement. Cows and nursing calves also remain on stockpiled pasture grasses with limited hay until spring green-up.
Cattle are what they eat, and so are we, as their human caretakers and consumers. Human health and soil health are their reasons for being—and ours.
Dogwood Farm Natural Beef, Toby and Debby Dulworth, 2492 S. Kirkman Road, LaCenter, KY 42056. (270) 224-2993.
E-mail: Website:
Dutch Creek
Farm, located in Pleasureville, Kentucky, is an environmentally-conscientious, diversified-livestock farm producing grass-fed beef, pastured poultry and eggs since 1983. We are committed to environmentally sound and sustainable farming practices and to the humane treatment of our animals.
Jared's Beef is Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World, and Certified Grass-Fed by the American Grass-Fed Association.
We believe strongly in the nutritional benefit and vitality that the forages bring to us and our livestock. Through proper pasture management, we believe the grasses and greens create a healthier food item for your enjoyment and well being.
Dutch Creek Farm's pasture-raised eggs—"Chelsey's Eggs"—can be found at Whole Foods Markets in Louisville and Lexington. You can find our pastured chicken and 100% grassfed beef and eggs at Rainbow Blossom, ValuMarket, Whole Life Buying Club in Louisville, Ky
and Good Foods Coop in Lexington Ky. Or visit our online store and order directly from the farm. You can find us under the blue tent at the St. Matthews Farmers Market on Shelbyville Road in Louisville, Ky from May thru September!
Thank you for supporting our family farm.
Doug and Susan Schlosnagle
Chelsey and Taylor Callis
Jared Schlosnagle
Dutch Creek Farm, Doug and Susan Schlosnagle, 609
Magruder Pike, Pleasureville KY 40057. 502-321-2727 and 502-257-2084.
E-mail: Website:

Foxhollow Farm – All Natural, Locally Raised, Pasture Grazed, Grass Fed Beef.
Foxhollow Farm is a 1300-acre 4th-generation family farm with woodlands, creeks, and rolling fields of grasslands located 20 minutes from downtown Louisville. Our mission is to create a thriving Biodynamic farm community. We raise 100% grassfed beef and are dedicated to growing healthy food and strengthening the relationship between human beings and nature.
Our grassfed cattle, a mix of Red Angus, Tarantace, Barzona, Hereford, Afrikander, Jersey and Short Horn, enjoy new pastures every day. This method helps to replenish our soil and to produce a truly excellent grassfed beef product that is healthier for both you and our cows. We also support entrepreneurial partner growers whose businesses range from CSA models to prepared food to pastured animals.
Foxhollow Farm offers an array of specialty grassfed beef packages available directly to consumers via our website and booths at local farmers markets. Visit us to reconnect with nature, experience our Sunset Concert Series, our annual Fall Festival, and of course, enjoy our 100% grassfed beef.
Foxhollow Farm, 8905 Highway 329, Crestwood KY 40014. (502) 241-9674.
E-mail: Website:
Fox Hollow Farms is a family-run farm in Northwest Tennessee near the Kentucky border. Our goal is to provide gourmet tender lamb direct to our customers while responsibly caring for our land and natural resources.
Our lambs are born and raised on farm with no grains, antibiotics, or added hormones. They are rotationally grazed on rolling hills, pastures, and forested areas, living a stress-free life from birth to processing.
Lamb is available year-round with the ability to ship UPS 2nd-day-air, on-farm pick-up, or scheduled drop locations throughout the West TN/SW KY region, including Paducah KY, and Nashville and Memphis TN.
Interested? Email or call (731) 822-3996.
Fox Hollow Farms, Alisha Fox, 4272 Boydsville Road, Dresden TN 38225. Call: 731-822-3996 or text: 503-358-6794.
E-mail: Website: none. Facebook: Fox Hollow Farms.
Gilland’s Green Valley Pastures – American Wagyu Beef is a family-run cow/calf farm producing American Wagyu beef on 70 acres of high nutrient-dense soil in the heart of Southeastern Indiana, near the Ohio and Kentucky borders.
Why high nutrient-dense soil? It’s because of the way we graze our herd. We use our cows to feed the soil microbes and the microbes feed our pastures. We don’t overgraze. We move our cows to a new strip of pasture every day in the spring, summer, and fall, and roll out high quality mixed hay in the winter. Our farm is rolling hills with fresh water, plenty of shade and good wind breaks. We work hard to make sure our cows get all the fresh feed and water they want to eat and drink every day of the year. We offer free-choice Kelp and Redmond salt/mineral at all times. Our cows really do get fat on grass and legumes with no grain when the pastures are managed correctly.
I grew up on a conventional dairy farm thinking cows needed grain, but now I know if your soils are correct cows are happier and healthier and really thrive on pasture. Take time to read up on all the heart-healthy benefits of eating 100% grass fed and grass finished beef. Our steaks are nutrient dense and delicious!
American Wagyu. Our Wagyu beef is 50% Wagyu or more, most are 75–93%. We have a few Angus that we offer for $3.50/pound hanging weight; our higher marbled Wagyu is $4 to $5/pound hanging weight. We have dates available soon at some local processing plants for quarter, half, and full beefs.
To learn more or to order, visit our website and/or email or call me or my son Grant.
Gilland’s Green Valley Pastures, Steve Gilland or Grant Gilland, 6518 W CR 650 N, Osgood IN 47037. 608-479-1389 (Steve) or 812-756-1208 (Grant).
E-mail: Website:
Gogel Pastures is a family-run, 3rd-generation farm specializing in 100% grass-fed beef and lamb as well as pigs (pork) and eggs raised 100% on pasture.
We sell all our animals in halves or wholes, along with some sales at local farmers markets. We are located in Southern Indiana near a little town called Bristow, about 10 minutes from I-64 exit 72.
We rotationally graze all our animals, moving the cattle, laying hens, and sheep once daily and the hogs every few days. We are striving to get nutritionally dense, local food out to our customers.
Please contact us by phone or email for questions, orders, or if you just want to come check out how we do things!
Gogel Pastures, Teagon Gogel, 19994 Clayborne Rd., Bristow, IN 47515. 812-686-5306.
E-mail: Website: none. Facebook:
Grass Corp. believes our farming practices can change the world! We feed the life in the soil so that it might grow healthy plants to feed our animals and produce nutritious meat, dairy, and eggs. Grass Corp. is proud to offer 100% grass-fed raw dairy; grass-finished lamb and beef; and pasture-raised eggs, pork, chicken, and turkey.
We farm simply, with the animals grazing on lush pastures. We do NOT use antibiotics, hormones, herbicides, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals on our farm.
All grains fed to poultry and pigs are non-GMO from other local farmers.
You can conveniently shop our online store and pickup at the farm or at one of our many pickup locations across Indiana.
Grass Corp. is owned and operated by The Steckler Family: Stan & Martha, Gavin & Kaitlin, Hunter & Samantha, Blake, Joel, Eli, and Jeremiah, 15606 Oriole Road, Leopold IN 47551. Call us: (812) 843-3277.
Email us: Website:
Heckman Family Farm is a small farm just outside of Walton, Kentucky. Farm products include pastured turkey (ready in the Fall) and chicken, grass-fed beef, fresh eggs from free-range chickens, and more. We have a growing herd of dairy goats as well.
The cattle are grass fed on pasture and hay, most of which we bale ourselves.
We raise turkeys seasonally, in a moveable pen that is moved daily onto fresh grass. When they are big enough, the turkeys are let out of the pen during the day to free-range through the pasture.
The laying hens are enclosed in a coop at night, but free-range through the fields and barnyard during the day. Poultry feed is non-GMO.
We are doing our best to use natural, wholesome practices to produce delicious and healthy food!
Heckman Family Farm, Daniel or Anne Heckman, 12899 John Webster Lane, Walton, KY 41094. (859) 816-6280.
E-mail: Website:
the Jerrys Farm is an organic horse powered
farm sustainably serving Lexington and beyond.
"the Jerrys Farm" has grown each year in supplying
individuals with healthy meat raised on certified organic pastures. We
offer beef, chicken, pork, fresh eggs, and a variety of
nourishing heirloom produce—all from a trusted local supplier.
Orders are taken any time, but the grass finished beef and milk-fed pork
are only processed in late fall. Our pasture-raised broiler roasting
chickens are available at the farm store.
Our farm is horse-powered and managed in a sustainable
fashion. Draft work horses instead of heavy machinery, and a solar-powered
livestock watering system make environmental sense and match the scale
of the farming operation. The pasture-made approach to raising pigs and
cattle, followed by chickens, has shown itself to be very good for the
animals and the land.
Everything grown on the Jerrys Farm will be safe
and healthy from people you know. We have opted out of factory farming,
now you can opt out of factory food. Visit the farm and find out where
YOUR food is coming from.
Meet the horses and see for yourself at our next
Farm Open House held the second Saturday of each month.
the Jerrys Farm, Jerry Hicks and Jerry Neff, 2859
Three Mile Run, Flemingsburg KY 41041. (606) 845-2312.
Roach Family Farm, located in Switzerland County (Vevay), Indiana, is a first-generation farm started in 2014 by John and Mardean to instill Faith, Family, and Farming. We know as farmers that we are the caretakers of our land and animals, and we strive to leave our land better than we found it and provide the best care for our animals.
We offer beef that is grass-fed and grass-finished and goat raised on acres to browse and graze (not grain-fed). We offer pasture-raised, non-GMO grain-fed pork, chicken, and turkey. Eggs and produce are available seasonally.
All our animals are raised on pasture in a humane environment. We do not use hormones, medications, or dewormers, only natural, organic methods unless an emergency exists and then the animal would no longer go into our freezers for sale to the public. All products are certified Indiana Grown and Homegrown by Heroes (Veteran-owned farm).
You can find us at the year-round Madison, IN Farmers Market, and we offer select items through the online Hoosier Harvest Market. We may attend other markets, so watch our website or Facebook for updates. We offer sales at our farm store by appointment as well as local delivery.
See “Farm Products” on our website for a listing of available cuts and pricing. We offer the purchase of whole or half beef and pork; beef is limited. Whole turkeys can be reserved up until the first week of November for a pickup prior to Thanksgiving, or we may be able to hold a turkey for you at the farm a month or two longer.
We look forward to meeting new customers and hope that might be you!
Roach Family Farm, Mardean Roach, 1860 Green Valley Road, Vevay, IN 47043. 812-427-3001 (landline) / 618-889-1982 (cell).
E-mail: Website: Facebook:
Rock'n R Farms is a sustainable, holistic, family farm raising Black Angus beef as nature intended – grass fed and grass finished. Our beef has no antibiotics or hormones, and are fully matured from 26 to 28 months before harvest. Rotational grazing is used to provide the best and greenest forages. Also, we use only organic inputs on our pastures, plus provide organic sea kelp and minerals to our cattle; that way they receive all the minerals and micronutrients that they need to provide us with nutritious gourmet beef.
Rock'n R Farms sells mainly by the whole, half, or quarter; processed to your liking and USDA Inspected at the new Trackside Butcher Shoppe in Campbellsburg, KY. We are a small, growing operation and are limited in supply, although we also sell gourmet, whole-cow hamburger by the pound, available year around.
Our farm is located in Kentucky, half way between Louisville and Frankfort, just outside of Pleasureville in Henry County, off Highway 22.
Check out our website for more information about us and our pricing. Also, there is an order form you can download to place an order for our nutritious gourmet beef.
Thank you for your interest in healthy living.
Rock'n R Farms, Richard Riggs, 603 Bantas Fork Road, Pleasureville, KY 40057. (502) 759-2129.
E-mail: Website:
The Sanders Farm is located in the foothills of Clinch Mountain in upper east Tennessee, close to neighboring Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina. We have tended a small beef cow/calf herd at our family farm since 1979. We have kept our pasture and hayfields herbicide and pesticide-free for over 40 years. We use no antibiotics, pesticides or growth stimulants of any kind on any animal to be sold on Eatwild. Flies are kept under control with a walk-through fly trap and dustings of diatomaceous earth.
The calves I am selling eat only our own pasture and hay and their mother's milk. They free-range with their mothers and the rest of my closed herd until the day they are processed.
I prefer to sell my calves whole or by the half in the late Spring or in the Fall. Hanging weight for a whole beef is around 300 pounds (give or take 50 pounds) and take-home meat averages 200 pounds. I deliver your calf to a state-inspected butcher near Rogersville, TN and you pick up your frozen (vacuum-packed in plastic) meat there. You decide which cuts you want using a cut-list I will mail you. All the soup/stock bones and organs from your beef are also available to you.
We would rather sell our beef calves to individuals who want untainted beef than into the feedlot industry where they live a little longer but in an unnatural and highly stressful way.
The Sanders Farm, Doris Sanders, 235 Clinch Valley Road, Eidson TN 37731. (423) 734-3003.
Spring Hills Farms—All Natural Grass Fed and Finished Beef —"Bringing Family Farm Goodness to Your Table."
Our 100-acre Barren County Farm provides a stress-free environment for raising our cattle. Our herd is provided with lots of shade and plenty of fresh spring water and benefits from rotational free-range grazing. We are not certified organic. However, our cattle are raised on lush pasture and high quality hay with abundant natural springs and creeks for water. They receive no hormones, no steroids and no antibiotics.
Our beef is available for sale in USDA cuts as well as in whole or half beef. We have a spring and fall harvest, usually in March and September. They can be shipped or we can deliver locally. See our website for more details.
We participate in the Farmers Market here in Glasgow at the Town Square on Saturdays from 8:00 am until noon in the summer months.
We invite you to come visit our farm by appointment, meet us, and see our animals!
Spring Hills Farm, Roland Hoffman, 479 Payne Mill Road, Glasgow KY 42141. (270) 670-4062.
E-mail: Website:
Tennessee Grass Fed grows both 100% grass fed and finished beef as well as grass-fed / grain-finished beef. Additionally, we partner with neighboring farms to supply you with a variety of locally grown products, including pasture-raised grass-fed, grass-finished bison pork, chicken, turkey, and duck. We source wild caught seafood from Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. We also have a wide variety of locally produced jams, butters, honey, sauces, seasonings, and other pantry items.
We offer a great variety of bulk package options with free home delivery in Middle Tennessee and the surrounding areas. Our Farm to Table delivery service includes free same day delivery to zip codes 37043 and 37042.
Visitors are always welcome to stop by and shop in person at the farm store which is near Clarksville, TN. You can also order online at and choose a convenient pick-up location nearby your home.
The Baggett family farm, settled in Clarksville, Tennessee in 1837, now offers its grass-fed beef and other farm products in Alabama, Kentucky, and Georgia.
Tennessee Grass Fed, LLC, Phil and Kathy Baggett, Farm Store location: 335 Williams Road Clarksville, TN 37043. 615-347-5454.
E-mail: Website: Facebook: Instagram:
Triple R Pastures
CHICKEN–Our chicken is raised for maximum nutritional density. The chickens are given fresh pasture daily. In addition to the diverse salad and bugs, they also receive a non-GMO feed.
PORK–We raise our pork where they enjoy an adventure filled life as they are rotated through our woodlots, filled with acorns, hickory nuts and many more goodies for them to seek out. They are supplemented with a non-GMO feed.
EGGS–The eggs come from our happy laying hens that get strategically moved around the farm, as they scratch through the manure, organic matter, and litter bank in search of tasty morsels. They are also supplemented with a non-GMO feed.
BEEF–We raise our beef on pasture, rotationally grazing them. This means we routinely give them fresh pasture, for a healthier cow, land, and you.
NO ANTIBIOTICS or GROWTH HORMONES–Our animals are raised in a way that models nature, heals and regenerates the land, resulting in the most nutrient dense meat that you can hope for.
Delivery Options:
- Home Delivery to Northern KY, Cincinnati area, and most of Ohio
- Pickup location in Covington, Louisville, and Lexington
- On farm pickup, Verona KY
Check out:
"Most people do not know who is producing their food and are continuously being sold, through deceptive marketing, food that is detrimental to their health. I raise high quality meat on pasture for your health and longevity so you can be there for family and friends."
Your farmer,
Triple R Pastures, Gilbert R., 15317 Lebanon Crittenden Road, Verona KY 41092. (859) 962-0160.
E-mail: Website:
Page updated 1/30/2025. |