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Pastured Products Directory – Washington



Looking for a farm or ranch near you? Find it on our Eatwild Washington map, or browse the alphabetical list below.

Find local stores, restaurants, and markets that carry grass-fed products on our Washington Beyond the Farm page.


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The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:

1902 Ranch see below

3 Sisters Family Farms see below

Akyla Farms offers pastured chicken, pastured pork and farm fresh eggs from our small laying flock.

At Akyla Farms pastures are the cornerstone of the farm and we enjoy seeing and hearing our animals happy and healthy, eating what mother nature intended them to eat. The meat chickens are housed in bottomless pens that are dragged to a fresh piece of pasture everyday following a small cow herd. In the brush, the pigs enjoy rooting in the dirt and clearing the land behind an electrified netting and are moved to a new location before they run out of green vegetation. Chickens, ducks and geese make-up the laying flock and are allowed to roam in the yard and wooded areas as they wish.

Please visit our website for more information and let us know if you would like to visit one of our farm locations to hear the animals munching away or to pick up eggs.

Akyla Farms, Carol & Kevin Osterman, 24498 Polte Road, Sedro Woolley WA 98284. (360) 941-1533.
E-mail: barnyard@akylafarms.com. Website: www.akylafarms.com.

Amazing Grace Highlands Beef for the discriminating beef connoisseur!

*Organic practices are strictly followed, but we are not certified organic*

At Amazing Grace Highlands we raise only Scottish Highland cattle, currently 40 head and growing. Noted for their lean, nutritious meat that tastes like beef used to taste, our cattle are grass fed and grass finished. This is how nature intended cattle to eat.

Our lush Stillaguamish Valley pastures are grazed using intensive grazing management practices whereby the cattle are given enough grass for 2 or 3 days and then moved to an adjacent section. We repeat this process for 20-30 days, thus allowing the grass to recover before re-grazing it. This sustainable practice creates healthy forage without the use of pesticides or herbicides as the grass out-competes weed growth.

Additionally, we empty and scrub their water troughs to provide the cleanest and healthiest drinking water for our cattle. This is done every time we move them to their next grazing section.

We grow and harvest all of our own haylage for winter feeding, assuring content and quality!

Humanely raised in a beautiful environment and being humanely harvested are IMPORTANT both to us and to you. Upon harvest, our beef is dry aged 17-21 days creating a full-flavored, premium aged product. It is orderable by the quarter, half or whole in the fall and sometimes in the spring as well.

Amazing Grace Highlands, Mark and Debbie Klein, Arlington, WA. (425) 231-4993 (Mark), (425) 231-0250 (Debbie)
E-mail: lotwg@hotmail.com.

American Alps Ranch is a small family farm that produces all-natural grass fed Aberdeen Angus beef. Our cattle are born and raised entirely on our ranch in the Skagit River Valley. No hormones, steroids, antibiotics or grains are ever used on our animals.

The mobile unit from our local farmer’s co-op comes to our ranch to process the meat; it is never “shipped off” somewhere.

In addition to our summer Farm Store, we deliver monthly to central locations in Burlington, Marysville, Northgate and Bellevue. Place an order on our website, choose your location and we will deliver it to you.

From 10 pounds of ground beef to a whole beef, we have it all – and it is delicious!

American Alps Ranch, Rick, Brenda and Alex Palmer, 61077 Cascade River Road, Marblemount, WA 98267. 360-873-4507 or 360-630-6053.
E-mail: info@americanalpsranch.com. Website: http://AmericanAlpsRanch.com.

Autumn Hills Woollens and Sheep Co. raises sheep for wool and for market lamb production.

We raise Merino and Bluefaced Leicester for wool. Our market lambs will be crosses from Bluefaced Leicester, Border Leicester and then finished with a Dorper Ram.

Our breeding strategy centers around sheep that do well in high rainfall areas and sheep that can gain weight easily on pasture grass (grazing in good weather and fed grass hay cut from the same field during inclement weather in a sheltered area). We do not feed our sheep grain.

Autumn Hills Woollens & Sheep Co., Jeffry Seldomridge and Patricia Keeley, 685 Boistfort Road, Curtis WA 98538. (360) 623-5398.
E-mail: autumnhillswoollens@live.com.

Baron Farms raises grass fed Beef, pasture raised Pork, and pasture raised Chicken on lush pastures in the Yakima Valley. Beef is offered by the 1/8th, 1/4, half and whole packages. Smaller beef packages and ground beef packages are also available. Pork is offered by the half or whole package.

Our animals spend their lives peacefully grazing on our high quality grass and legume-based pastures. We rotate our animals to ensure they always receive the highest quality and quantity of pasture. Our pigs' pasture diet is supplemented with fruit and vegetables from our produce garden. At no time do we use antibiotics or hormones.

Customers can pick up their beef and/or pork or we can ship for a nominal fee. We offer shipping to customers within the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

Baron Farms, LLC, Cameron Baron, 2971 West Wapato Road, Wapato WA 98951. (866) 9MY-BEEF (866.969.2333).
E-mail: cbaronhj7@gmail.com. Website: www.baronfarms.com.

Basket Flat Ranch is located in the Pacific Northwest, near Battle Ground, Washington. Basket Flat Ranch utilizes the mild, wet climate, longer growing season, and lush pastures to produce a superior, all natural, grass fed beef product for your dinner table.

We feed our beef animals only grass and clover pasture and locally grown grass and clover hay during the Winter season. We fertilize our pastures with manure and manure compost and avoid the use of chemical fertilizer.

We do not use any hormones or anti-biotics and we are a small ranch with tame animals that we personally work with in a low stress manner.

We raise Angus beef (both red and black color), and we are constantly selecting genetics in our breeding stock for the best tenderness, marbling, and steak thickness.

We are passionate about raising beef with all natural techniques and carefully taking care of and stewarding our animals and pastures year after year so we can produce a healthy beef product for our table and yours.

We serve the S.W. Washington and Portland, OR Metro area. Our beef is available for pick up from a local butcher in Battle Ground, WA. Please visit our web site for ordering, quantities, pricing and availability.

Basket Flat Ranch, Jon Schoenborn, 21309 NE Basket Flat Road, Battle Ground WA 98604. (360) 601-5918.
E-mail: jons@basketflatranch.com. Website: www.basketflatranch.com.

BCS Livestock raises natural grass-fed lamb and pastured farm fresh eggs. We also sell wool blankets made from the wool of our sheep. Our goal is to raise our animals humanely and deliver a natural, wholesome product while sustaining and improving the land.

Our products are available

direct from the farm. Please call or e-mail.

BCS Livestock, Skip, Betsy and Casey Smith, 19100 Highway 20, Winthrop WA 98862. (509) 996-3159.
E-mail: drbetsy@methownet.com.

Big Willow Beef raises natural, grass-fed and grass-finished Angus beef. You can rest assured we do not use antibiotics or growth hormones in our animals. They graze in the Nisqually Valley in pastures maintained for nutritional quality and sustainability. The animals are processed locally and cut and wrapped to your specifications.

We may be reached by phone or by email. Please visit our website www.BigWillowBeef.com for more information about us.

Big Willow Beef, Eric Robb, PO Box 1064, Dupont, WA 98327. 253-736-4848.
E-mail: EricRobb@BigWillowBeef.com. Website: www.BigWillowBeef.com.

Birkeland Farm is a women-owned ranch raising grass fed/grass finished beef in a Beavercreek, Oregon since 2014. Our animals are raised humanely in natural herd environment. Grass fed/grass finished, no hormones, no antibiotics, never confined.

We sell exclusively online year-round and at area Farmers Markets, May to October. We sell individual retail cuts as well as bulk purchasing.

See our website for other seasonal outlets and events.

Birkeland Farm, Lynne Van Dusen, Beavercreek OR 97202. (503) 732-0265.
E-mail: birkelandfarm@gmail.com. Website: www.birkelandfarm.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/birkelandfarm.

Bob's Beef raises grass-fattened beef in Monroe, Washington.

Bob's farm began as a dairy 30 years ago. After selling the milk cows in December 2000, we decided to get a few beef cattle. A few cattle have turned into a herd of 18 Herefords and Angus. Our cattle are born on the farm in a closed herd and are not in contact with any other herd, so there is less of a chance of bringing in any disease.

Our animals are grass fed and in winter they get top quality hay. they are not fed hormones, antibiotics, or any animal by-products. They are free to roam from the pastures to the shelter of the barns as they choose. We are a small farm so our cattle can be in an uncrowded, stress-free atmosphere.

Bob's Beef, Bob or Kathy Nash, 22630 Sofie Road, Monroe WA 98272. (360) 794-8829.
E-mail: nashbobkat@gmail.com. Website: www.bobsbeef.com.

Bone Dry Ridge Farm raises Icelandic Sheep, Scottish Highland Cattle, pigs and chickens . All are raised using organic practices but we are not certified.

They spend their summers out on pastures or in a small wooded area. Over winter the sheep and cows are fed local hay. The pigs and chickens are fed certified organic grain. Our job is to make sure they have a healthy happy life. Healthy and happy creatures are a delight to take care of.

We sell beef, lamb, pork, and eggs directly to consumers. To purchase from us, please contact us and we will add you to the mailing list. If you would like to know more about the farm, look at the website and/or contact us directly via email or phone. For sheep skins and raw wool contact us for availability.

Bone Dry Ridge, Selma Bjarnadottir, 209 Hyppa Road East, Rochester WA 98579. (360) 273-1045.
E-mail: selma@bonedryridgefarm.com. Website: www.bonedryridgefarm.com.

Card's L Hanging S Ranch Grass Fat Beef—Our cattle have spent all their lives on our place, near Prosser in the Lower Yakima Valley. They and their mothers and grandmothers have eaten only what we raise: good grass and hay. No antibiotics or growth stimulants.

We charge by the pound hanging weight; in addition the buyer pays cut, wrap, and farm harvest by local meat cutter. Beef is available by the whole, half or split half with a $200 deposit before harvest.

Card's L Hanging S Ranch, Linda Card, 7102 South Steele Road, Prosser WA 99350. (509) 788-1005.

Castle Rock Ranch raises grass-finished beef from heritage breed cattle along the Coeur D’Alene River. Our unconventional management style means we move our cows onto fresh pasture every day to simulate the way wild herds graze; this results in the building of topsoil and increased water infiltration and biodiversity, the hallmarks of a healthy ecosystem.

We never feed grain or use growth hormones or antibiotics on our cows, and we never use synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides on our pastures. We grass-finish with a goal of creating fat and inter-muscular marbling that makes meat tender and flavorful. Our heritage breed Aberdeen Angus and Dexters are smaller framed than most cattle and produce more manageable cuts of meat for customers that don’t want a 16-ounce steak (you can always eat two 8-ounce steaks).

Animals are purchased by the quarter, half or whole where customers pay by the pound, with a typical quarter beef yielding a manageable 75 pounds of packaged beef. We only harvest July through November so that all animals have had at least 90 days on green, growing grass to maximize nutrition and quality. All of our beef is dry-aged for 10 days and then custom cut and frozen by local butchers.

Pickup is at the butcher in Coeur D’Alene or our ranch, and delivery is possible to the Seattle area, but we do not mail beef. 

Castle Rock Ranch, Albert Walsh, 12718 Old River Road, Kingston Idaho 83839. (208) 682-9537.
E-mail: albertvwalsh@gmail.com. Website: https://www.cdariverranch.com/.

Chehalis Valley Farm is located in the lush Chehalis River Valley outside of Elma, WA. We are a farrow-to-finish operation, raising Berkshire, Red Wattle and Hereford pigs (pork) as well as crosses of each.

Trained to hot-wire fence, our pigs live seasonally outside in large areas where they can roam, forage, dig, wallow, nap, and feed whenever they would like. Our practice of rotational grazing benefits the land by helping to fertilize and aerate the soil as well as control invasive plant species. Their forage diet is supplemented with regionally grown, non-GMO grains that are corn- and soy-free and they are never given growth hormones.

We are passionate about producing the highest quality and best tasting meat in the outdoors because we know that active, healthy animals taste the best! When weather necessitates, they are provided shelter and deep bedding. Our pigs are processed at a USDA-certified and Animal Welfare Approved facility in our region.

Now shipping within Washington State and offering online ordering for easy pick-up at our on-farm store and at the Olympia and Tacoma Proctor farmers markets. Wholesale options, retail cuts, whole and half pigs as well as bulk discounts, bundles and boxes are available.

Our on-farm store is open weekly where we also stock products from other local farms including pasture-raised chicken and grass-fed and finished beef as well as other locally produced artisanal foods including honey, jams, kraut and more.

Chehalis Valley Farm, John Hagara, 69 Taylors Ferry Road, Elma, WA 98541. (360) 482-2517.
E-mail: info@chehalisvalleyfarm.com. Website: https://www.chehalisvalleyfarm.com/

Chinook Farms is a 132-acre diversified farm in the fertile Snohomish River Valley. Our goal is to produce local, fresh, organic produce, grass fed and finished beef, and pastured pork to help sustain and support local agriculture. We sell our beef and pork year round but the supply is limited. An order form is available on our website.

We raise our cattle on lush pastures in the fertile river valley. All their feed comes from the farm, mostly through rotational grazing and augmented with our own hay during the winter months. We have also earned the Salmon Safe designation. We sell our beef by the 1/4, 1/2, or whole and pork by 1/2 or whole portions and occasionally by the package at the farm when we can get access to USDA processing. We are able to ship our frozen beef to some parts of Alaska served by Alaska Marine Lines.

We prefer payments by cash, check or Venmo but do accept credit and debit cards* through Square ( www.squareup.com). (* Fees may apply for credit and debit card transactions.)

Chinook Farms, Eric Fritch, Mailing address: 18507 Waverly Drive, Snohomish WA 98296.
Farm address: 10913 Elliott Road, Snohomish, WA 98296 (By Appointment). (425) 508-6341.
E-mail: eric@chinookfarms.com. Website: www.chinookfarms.com.

Colvin Ranch is a family-owned and operated cattle ranch in Tenino, Washington. For five generations, our family heritage of humane livestock handling, sustainable grazing practices, and stewardship of the land has helped native and endangered plants and animals flourish. We’re dedicated to raising high-quality, all-natural beef and pastured pork. Our cattle are all grass-fed and grass-finished.

We offer beef and pork meat shares as a whole, half, or quarter animal. In addition, you can purchase individual cuts on our website for pickup at locations in Tenino, Tumwater, and Tacoma, or find us at the Proctor Farmers’ Market.

We also offer wholesale options for retail outlets, school districts, and food banks.

Colvin Ranch, Jennifer Colvin, 16816 Old Highway 99 SE, Tenino WA 98589. (360) 339-8465.
E-mail: info@colvinranch.com. Website: https://shop.colvinranch.com/. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/colvinranch/.

Douglas Farms is a family farm located outside Yakima in Central Washington. We raise grassfed cattle and sheep, and grainfed pigs supplemented with pasture. We do not use any hormones, routine antibiotics, or artificial feed ingredients.

Being environmentally responsible is important to us; we know we share this world with others and it would be short sighted to do otherwise. We especially appreciate the health benefits associated with eating grass fed meat and are blessed to be able to supply this to others.

Grassfed beef is available in whole, halves, or split halves. Lamb and pork is sold as whole or halves. The meat is cut and wrapped locally according to personal preference. It is generally available May through November, but we take orders year-round.

Please contact us with questions or if you are interested in our grassfed beef, lamb, or pork.

Douglas Farms, Nate and Tabi Douglas, 261 W Taylor Road, Selah WA 98942. (509) 698-6393.
E-mail: ntdouglas@fairpoint.net. Website: www.douglasfarms.org.

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The Faded Rose Ranch is located on Puget Island, on the banks of the Columbia River, across the bridge from Cathlamet, WA and accessible via ferry from Westport, OR. The ranch is within a scenic drive from both Seattle, WA and Portland, OR areas. This one-man and two-dog sheep and cattle operation offers all-natural, grass-fed freezer lamb and beef by the whole or half.

All animals are bred, born, and raised here. Grass/hay, clean water, plus mother’s milk make up the diet of our livestock. Our happy animals are raised in a stress-free and humane environment. We are not certified organic but we try. No hormones, supplements or antibiotics are ever used.

The delicate flavored lamb of a Katahdin hair heritage breed ewe will be a welcome addition to your diet. We look forward to telling you why. Our beef comes from Irish Dexter cows usually crossed with Black Angus to give the finest flavor and a size that will fit in your freezer. Delivery to a local butcher is included in the sale. Delivery to your location may be possible.

Product is available in the fall and can be made available other times of year if prior arrangements are made. It does help the shepherd's planning if indications of product interest could be made as far as possible in advance of your need.

Come visit, bring a kayak and enjoy the river. We are proud of how we raise our animals and we are proud of the quality, taste and safety of our products. We look forward to feeding you soon!

The Faded Rose, Mike McAvoy, 130 E Little Island Road, PO Box 313, Cathlamet WA 98612. (360) 849-0030.
Website: www.localharvest.org/the-faded-rose-M17521.

Forest Cattle is a family owned and operated ranch started in 1981 in the Snohomish River Valley. For almost 30 years we have raised our own herd of 100% grass fed/grass finished Red Angus beef cattle. We strive to provide you with only the highest quality beef for your table.

Forest Cattle Company uses only the best organic and environmentally friendly practices. Our cattle never receive antibiotics or hormones and each animal is individually tagged and tracked to ensure the health of the animal and the herd. The cattle are humanely raised, free to roam and graze on our sustainable pasture rotation system. This ensures the cattle ingest the most lush and nutrient rich grasses available, for a stress-free and healthy lifestyle. We believe "Nature's Way is Best": better for the cattle, better for the environment, and better for you and your family.

Our old style dry aged Red Angus beef is sold by the quarter, half or whole animal. Due to high demand we have expanded our ranching operation to the Snoqualmie Valley near Duvall and Skagit County near Sedro Woolley. We strive to have beef available year-round, however we recommend ordering as far in advance as possible to insure timely delivery. We have ground beef in 1-pound packages and boxes of ground beef patties for sale as well.

Our goal is to produce beef of the highest quality, that we would be proud to serve to our own family and friends. We would enjoy nothing more than to share the best beef available with you at an affordable cost. From our family to yours.

We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have. Please check us out at our website. Thank you for supporting your local ranching families.

Forest Cattle Company, David Steele, PO Box 1083, Snohomish WA 98290. (425) 359-0594.
E-mail: forestcattle@hotmail.com. Website: www.forestcattle.com.

Hoh Humm Ranch has been in my family for three generations. My grandmother started ranching on the Hoh River in 1913. We have always raised both cattle and sheep in the same manner on the ranch.

The animals on Hoh Humm are pasture-raised and are left with their mothers. In the winter, they are fed hay that we raise ourselves. The cattle are sold in late fall and early winter while the lambs are sold from summer through late fall. We sell the beef, custom-cut, freezer-wrapped and delivered in the Puget Sound area for $5.00 a pound. There is a 50-pound minimum on the order.

Hoh Humm Ranch, Cici Wilson, 1909 28th Street SE, Auburn WA 98002. (253) 804-3364.

Home Acres Farms raises chickens, pigs, turkeys and a small number of lambs on pasture. We cater to people who want to know where their food comes from.

We sell animals live at the farm gate, half or whole. We also offer classes on processing chickens and turkeys several times a year.

Home Acres Farms, Bruce King, 1905 55th Avenue SE, Everett WA 98205. (206) 940-4980.
E-mail: bruceki@bigpig.net. Website: www.ebeyfarm.blogspot.com.

The Honest Bison started as one family’s quest to eat healthier and get fit. When it turned out that sourcing authentic, unprocessed food was harder to do than it sounds, the family decided to do what they could to change that.

Our ranchers practice a method of ranching called Holistic Management, which promotes the growth of a large variety of native grasses that are in turn used to feed the animals. This enhances the flavor of the meat and eliminates the need for fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and other chemically enhanced farming practices. In addition to our pasture management, all of our bison are processed at USDA inspected plants. Our bison are raised on holistically managed ranches in South Dakota, Oregon, Montana, and Wisconsin. Our elk and venison are raised in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

We promise The Honest Bison will always provide meat of the highest quality—100% grass-fed and humanely and sustainably raised. If we wouldn’t feed it to our family and friends, we wouldn’t feed it to you.

100% Grass-fed Bison, naturally-grazed Elk and Venison we offer from our online shop:

  • Steaks (Tomahawk, New York Strip, Rib Eye, Tenderloin, Sirloin, Skirt, Flank)
  • Chuck Roast
  • Sirloin Tip Roast
  • Round Roast
  • Tri-Tip
  • Ground and Ground Blend
  • Burger Patties
  • Brisket
  • Short Ribs
  • Bratwurst
  • Broth Bones and Bison Tail
  • Bison Tallow
  • Offal cuts (heart, tongue, liver, kidney, rocky mountain oysters)
  • Dog Food ground organ meat blend

Want more info about The Honest Bison? Need help placing an order? Looking for delicious bison recipes? Feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to help you out. To make a purchase and have shipped to your address please visit our website.

The Honest Bison, Sean Lenihan, Founder, 407 N 47th Circle, Camas WA 98607. (Mailing address only—all orders are shipped directly to our customers from Wisconsin via FedEx). 360-399-6363.
Email: Sean.m.lenihan@thehonestbison.com. Website: http://thehonestbison.com.

At Hungry Hollow Farm we believe animals belong in fields, not factories, and our mission is to help the Puget Sound region become #FactoryFarmFree.

Established in 1889, we are a 4th-generation family farm producing slow-growing, pasture-raised chickens and eggs, pastured pork, pastured turkeys, and 100% grass-fed beef. All animals are ethically raised on pastures within 50 miles of Seattle.

Our chickens and pigs receive grains that are free of chemicals, GMOs, corn, and soy. We offer local pastured meat delivery anywhere in to Seattle and throughout the Puget Sound region.

We also offer vegetables grown without chemicals or dependence on manure from factory farms.

Hungry Hollow Farm, Grant Jones, 2490 E Pickering Road, Shelton WA 98584.
E-mail: grant@hungryhollowfarm.com. Website: www.HungryHollowFarm.com.

Lazy R Ranch is a fourth generation beef operation that has been managed holistically since 1996. Holistic management is a goal-driven decision making process that insures that decisions are economically, environmentally, and socially appropriate. I use planned grazing, as prescribed by holistic management, that puts animals at the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons. This allows me to exceed traditional organic and sustainable practices and move towards regenerative agriculture.

Our all natural beef is available in halves, quarters, or whole beef in the late fall or early winter.

Lazy R Ranch, Beth Robinette, S 16102 Wolfe Road, Cheney WA 99004. (509) 990-4247.
E-mail: mlrobinette@gmail.com Website: www.lazyrbeef.com.

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The Little Seven Seven Ranch is committed to raising unrivaled Highland Beef on our family-owned and managed mountainside ranch. L77 beef is USDA inspected, allowing us to welcome both large and small orders.

We raise Highland Cattle, a slow growing heritage breed known for superior flavor and tenderness. Our cattle browse 2,000 acres in the Columbia River Gorge, enjoying a biodiverse diet of perennial native grasses and brush. Fields, forest, rocks, and hills allow this ancient and hardy breed to live the lifestyle for which they were bred.

Highland Beef is higher in iron, protein and Omega 3s than commercial beef.

Highland Beef is lower in fat and cholesterol than commercial beef.

Need we say it? We do not use growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, fertilizers…

The L77 is dedicated to all natural practices best suited for our cattle and the land which supports them. Many of our customers enjoy coming to The Gorge and seeing the impressive Highland Cattle in the fields and forests, visible from the public roads.

Customers may purchase L77 beef directly from the ranch. Call or email to get a Local Price List, make an appointment at The Ranch Shop, or to discuss delivery of larger orders. Our beef is also available through the Gorge Farmer Collective.

The Little Seven Seven Ranch, Mary Kleihege, John Streur, 386 Lyle Snowden Road, Lyle WA 98635 or PO Box 307, Lyle WA 98635. 509-767-7130.
E-mail: mary@L77ranch.com. Website: https://l77ranch.com/ or https://www.gorgefarmers.com/. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_little_seven_seven_ranch/.

Lopez Island Farm is located in the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest and is blessed with a climate that is perfect for raising grass-fed livestock. Even in the middle of winter, some days are warm enough for the grass to grow. My sheep are on pasture all year and lambing is timed to take advantage of the spring flush of grass. My lamb is produced without antibiotics or hormones and finished on grass in the spring and fall. The breeds I use were developed to finish on grass and are lean with a delicate flavor.

My pasture raised pigs live outside where they can forage and root to their hearts' content. In addition to the health and nutritional benefits from pasture grazing, they just plain enjoy digging. Happy pigs are healthy pigs and mine do not need antibiotics or hormones.

Lamb and pork are available in our retail store at the farm on Lopez Island, Lopez Farmers Market, Proctor Farmers Market in Tacoma and by special arrangement. We deliver regularly to customers in Seattle, Bainbridge Island and Tacoma.

Lopez Island Farm, 193 Cross Road, Lopez Island WA 98261. (360) 468-4620.
E-mail: bruce@lopezislandfarm.com. Website: http://www.lopezislandfarm.com/.

Maple K Farms was established in 1936 in the lush rolling hills of the Palouse. We provide natural grass fed/grass finished beef from Highland cattle. Their meat is known for its lean, healthy attributes as well as the rich robust flavor.

We are committed to sustainable farming practices which include environmental responsibility, animal welfare, and maintaining locally grown foods for our community.

Our cattle are raised on lush pastures with abundant cool clear water, the way nature intended. The cattle receive a tag at birth and records are kept on their health and well being from birth to harvest. It has been said that they only have "one bad moment" in their lives.

Our Highland beef is available in the fall of the year by the 1/4, 1/2 or a whole beef. It is dry aged for 7–10 days, then cut, wrapped and frozen to your specifications by a state-certified meat cutting establishment. We invite our potential customers to come tour our farm to prove that we walk the talk.

Our naturally grown grass fed/grass finished Highland beef is strictly available from the farm. Call or email to order.

Maple K Farms LLC, Tom and Cheryl Kammerzell, 1102 Kammerzell Road, Colfax WA 99111. (509) 397-4589.
E-mail: maplekfarms@gmail.com. Website: www.maplekhighlands.com.

Misty Meadows Farm offers certified organic eggs, u-cut Christmas trees, angora wool, Romney wool, lamb, chicken, turkeys and pork locally and in season.


Currently, our certified organic eggs are available by subscription or individually from the farm in Everson, WA. We had our eggs tested at a nutritional testing lab as part of a study on pasture raised eggs. Our eggs have 1/2 the cholesterol, 5 times the vitamin E, nearly 20 times the folate, and over 12 times the Omega 3 of factory farmed eggs. Check out our web site for the complete details of this study and other research projects.

Our children are raising wool animals for 4-H projects. Our daughter has a flock of Romney sheep and has wool available on the farm website. Our son is raising French Angora and German (Giant) Angora rabbits for wool production. He is the first to receive organic certification from the WSDA for angora wool. Our website has a current list of wool products available. All proceeds from wool sales go directly to the 4-H child responsible for raising the animals.

In the spring, we take orders for pasture-raised lamb, chicken, turkey and pork. Our web site will have ordering information when these items are available.

In December, we open our farm for u-cut organic Christmas trees. We were the first farm in Washington State to receive organic certification for Christmas trees.

For more information about any aspect of our farm or current availability of farm products, please see our website.

Misty Meadows Farm, Mark and Melissa Moeller, 6197 Everson Goshen Road, Everson WA 98247. (360) 312-3554.
E-mail: info@mistymeadowsfarm.com. Website: www.mistymeadowsfarm.com.

Mountain Beef. Ramsden Ranch, situated on the border of Washington and Oregon, provides Mountain Beef. Our cattle are grazed in balance with Nature’s law. They forage on native grasses, that is wild.

We sell our beef in quarter, half, and whole shares. Those are delivered to Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Kennewick, and Pullman, Washington and Portland, Oregon in the fall. We meet customers at specific delivery sites in those areas in September, October, and November. Place your order anytime for fall delivery!

We also ship direct. See website for details.

Our goals are to provide wholesome, healthful beef and to promote a pastoral grazing system that advances the management of our natural resources, allowing us to become a sustainable ranch and a home where our children can grow. Ultimately we strive to benefit the land, community, and our own family through thoughtful and caring stewardship.

In 2020 we will be selling our beef at the Edmonds, Washington Farmers Market, Saturdays, 9am-3pm, from June to October.

Ramsden Ranch Mountain Beef, Mark and Amy Ramsden, PO Box 219, Enterprise, OR 97828. 541.263.1515.
E-mail: ramsdenranch@eoni.com. Website: www.mountain-beef.com.

The Nelson Ranch has been providing quality meat to our community for 150 years. We raise All-Natural grass fed cattle free of additives, chemicals, antibiotics, and growth hormones. All of our cattle are born on the prairies of South Thurston County in the spring and range free on our acreage. Since all our animals are born on the farm, you are assured of the source and safety of your beef.

We believe in being responsible stewards of the land and using sustainable, humane methods. Therefore, we do "rotational grazing" which not only allows us to maintain healthy pastures but also allows our cattle to graze on the most nutrient rich part of the grass. Since we are on the banks of the Deschutes River, the yearly flooding of our fields ensures an endless supply of natural minerals and nutrient rich soil. We then feed the cattle the hay during the winter months.

Our family-owned farm is about ten miles south of Olympia and one of the oldest ranches in the county still owned by the original family. We have dedicated ourselves to providing our customers with the most wholesome, best tasting beef available. We are committed to sustainable farming practices and providing our community with a locally grown, quality product. This has been a tradition in the family for five generations and we hope that you enjoy it too.

You can buy individual cuts, a quarter, or a half of beef. Buyers who purchase a quarter will receive approximately 150 pounds of beef—a mixture of steaks, hamburger, roasts, and stew meat.

We are happy to give farm tours for people interested in our methods and products. Please call or e-mail first to be sure we are home. Please visit our website for current prices and ordering information.

Nelson Ranch, Jill Nelson, 3624 Waldrick Road SE, Olympia WA 98501. (360) 352-4124.
E-mail: jill@nelsonranch.com. Website: www.nelsonranch.com.

1902 Ranch is a family ranch in Coupeville, Washington on Whidbey Island that sells sustainable, premium animal products, including Wagyu beef, Berkshire pork, pasture-raised chickens, and eggs.

We practice regenerative agriculture and use only NON-GMO, No-soy and No-corn feed to supplement our pigs’ and chickens’ grass-based diet.

Our mission is to make people, animals, communities, and the Earth healthier.

1902 Ranch, Brooke Crowder, 710 Fort Casey Rd. Coupeville, WA 98239. 360-707-8000.
E-mail: thecrowders@1902ranch.com. Website: https://www.1902ranch.com/. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1902Ranch.

North Prairie Ranch raises grass-fed and grass-finished beef on our family farm. We are located in Doty, WA along the Chehalis River at the gateway to the Willapa Hills. This land was originally settled in the early-1850s as part of a Donation Land Claim. We look forward to raising our children on this ranch just as generations have done before us.

No antibiotics. No hormones. Our cattle eat grass and grass hay year-round. The cattle are rotationally grazed in a low-stress environment. By using regenerative practices, we are improving our soil, water and air quality as well as enhancing ecosystem biodiversity. The cattle are mostly Black Angus influenced by other beef breeds such as Hereford and Braunvieh.

Our goal is to provide a local source of sustainable, grass-fed beef. We believe the consumer shouldn't have to buy beef from a grocery store which could be sourcing their products internationally. Buying directly from a rancher provides a more affordable, higher quality product. All the while, the consumer is assured their beef is raised in a humane and caring manner.

Our beef is offered as half and whole shares. We typically use local, custom meat cutters, but can also deliver the carcass directly to you depending on proximity.

Please contact us via phone or email to place your order!

North Prairie Ranch, Trevor Kaech, 183 Doty Dryad Rd, Chehalis, WA 98532. 360-353-8582.
E-mail: northprairieranch@gmail.com.

Northwest Wild Foods specializes in providing customers with all natural, wild berries handpicked in the mountains of the great Pacific Northwest. We have Frozen Wild Blue Huckleberries, Wild Red Huckleberries, Wild Blueberries and our famous Little Wild Blackberries.

All our special berries are harvested in the wild, cleaned, individually quick frozen and packaged to meet customer’s needs using no additives. These unique berries are great tasting, high in antioxidants and healthy.

We also have a line of Jams, Syrups, Honeys and gift packs made all naturally with our wild berries.

We have our retail site on the internet at www.nwwildfoods.com and we also sell wholesale, simply contact us at (866) 945-3232.

We ship via UPS ground, 2nd day air or overnight. For larger orders we ship with Sorensen Trucking FOB from Bellingham, WA.

Northwest Wild Foods, Thomas LaMonte, PO Box 855, Burlington WA 98233. (866) 945-3232.
E-mail: thebear@nwwildfoods.com. Website: www.nwwildfoods.com.

On The Lamb Farm is a small, family-run farm in Arlington, Washington. We offer grass-fed lamb and beef. Our animals are custom cut and wrapped to your specifications by a popular local licensed butcher. Our animals are strictly grass-fed and pasture-raised to provide you with the healthiest meat possible.

Lamb is available in early fall, and we sell it as a whole animal. Lamb is in high demand and often sells out several months in advance.

Beef is available from spring to early winter. We sell beef by the half-side (quarter), side, or whole animal.

We are located close to Seattle, making pickup easy for our Seattle area customers.

We are Sara-Jo Gahm and John Connolly. Contact us at:

On the Lamb Farm, 10915 Moran Road, Arlington WA 98223. (360) 435-9078.
E-mail: contact@onthelambfarm.com. Website: www.onthelambfarm.com.

One Straw Ranch

Pork – Beef – Eggs – Dairy - Salmon! Pasture Raised – GMO Free – Honestly Good!

Our customers tell us this is the only meat they eat anymore because it has amazing flavor and they love the connection they now have to their food and to us, their farmer.

Convenient Online Ordering!

  • Zero-grain beef
  • Pasture-raised pork
  • Pasture-raised eggs
  • Farmstead goat cheese and yogurt (from Mystery Bay Farm)
  • Wild Alaskan salmon (from local Fisheries)

How to get it:

  • Pick up in person at our neighborhood drop point in Port Townsend or on the farm on Marrowstone Island.
  • Local delivery available in Port Townsend, Chimacum, and Port Hadlock
  • Chimacum Corner Farmstand & Port Townsend Food Co-op

We are honored to be your farmers and grow truly delicious food for you that nourishes the body and regenerates the health of the earth. ~ Charlotte, Martin, Eli (6), Vera (3), and Grace (new in ’22)

One Straw Ranch, Charlotte Frederickson, PO Box 1012, Chimacum, WA 98325. 360-531-0404.
E-mail: charlotte@onestrawranch.com. Website: www.onestrawranch.com.

PnD Organic Beef brings you the highest quality 100% USDA Certified Organic Pasture-fed Angus Beef.


Our farm is located in beautiful Lewis County, and has been in the family for 44 years, seven of those being certified by Washington State. Every animal except our bull has been born and raised here, out with their mothers on our lush, green fields.

Our animals are 100% pasture-fed. Even when inclement weather forces us to house them, they are only fed premium silage and hay from our own fields. We use no antibiotics, hormones, or any other non-approved feeds, resulting in tender, scrumptious meat that is not only good for you, but safe for your loved ones.

Not all organic beef is pasture-fed, and not all pasture-fed beef is Certified Organic. We have the best of both worlds!! Pasture-fed means our animals are fed no grains that are difficult for the animal to digest, and can lead to illness. Eating a diet that comes naturally puts less stress on the individual animal and it is stronger and healthier. For more detailed information, please visit our site.

Certified Organic means that we are inspected once a year, and keep extensive records on all of our animals and farming practices. We use absolutely no pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers that damage the soil and everything around it. We also have an agreement with the county to not spray our ditches, eliminating any outside contamination. “Natural” and non-certified pasture-fed farms are not required to follow these practices.

Certified Organic Pasture-fed Angus Beef is indeed the best choice for the animal, your family, and the environment! Please call or visit anytime. We sell quarter, halves, and whole beef.

PnD Organic Beef dba Business Enterprises Unlimited, Inc., Paul and Dalene Olson, 282 Kirkland Road, Chehalis WA 98532. (360) 748-7873.
E-mail: pdolson2@gmail.com. Website: www.pndorganicbeef.com.

At Prairie Springs Ranch we strive to annually provide the highest quality, natural grass-fed beef for families.

Feedlot practices of using hormones and antibiotics are not part of our plan for sustainable grass-fed beef. We breed, graze, and harvest our Angus cross (Chiangus) in harmony with our grass-growing cycle, on full sunlight and 110 acres of sub-irrigated Samish River silt soil. Sustainable herd size, grazing on plentiful green growing grass, and generations of genetics for growing and muscling on a grass diet, produce hanging weights in the range of 600 to 700 pounds per animal.

We do not sacrifice flavor, tenderness, or health qualities by supplementing with hay throughout the year; we only feed hay grown on our own property from about the first hard frost in winter to when the grass starts to grow again in spring, usually about March. Our animals are harvested each year at their grass-fed prime before winter hits hard.

We believe that supplying halves, quarters, or whole beef to our customers according to family size generates less waste, makes use of every part of the animal, and reduces the use of fossil fuel in shipping, deliveries, etc. Purchasing our beef for the year can also help a family budget. Our lack of dependence on the price of fossil fuels allows us to pass pricing savings on to our farm customer families!

Visit our farm by arrangement or drive by the area throughout the year to see our herd grazing. Visit our website for December butcher dates, order forms, and pricing. December is always just around the corner!

Prairie Springs Ranch, John and Jean Shea, 4530 Prairie Lane, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284. Farm: 360-856-1078, John cell: 360-707-1882, Jean cell: 360-421-0535.
E-email: reality@fidalgo.net. Website: www.prairiespringsranch.com.

Pure Éire Dairy is located in Othello, Washington in the heart of the Columbia Basin. We are proud to be one of the few “grass-only” dairies in the United States. Our jersey cows are completely grass-fed to provide you with milk that’s tasty and nutritious, just as nature intended. We are:

  • 100% Grass-Fed (a rarity as there are very few purely grass-fed dairies in the United States)
  • Our herd has been hand-selected to be free of A1 positive cows
  • Antibiotic and Hormone Free
  • Free of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides
  • Transparent - giving you the ability to know where your milk comes from
  • Our milk is not combined with milk from any other dairy
  • All-jersey herd for better grazing and a rich, creamy milk
  • Minimally processed milk utilizing vat pasteurization and no homogenization

We currently have the following products available: Pasteurized Whole, 2%, and Skim Milk, Heavy Cream and Raw Milk at select locations.

We have long believed you should always know where your milk comes from. You should be able to see for yourself what the animals eat and how they are treated. Our goal is to be a transparent operation to our consumers, so that you can trust your milk source. We welcome you to come and visit! Go beyond organic, go grass-fed!

Pure Éire Dairy, Richard and Jill Smith, 1591 Birdwell Road, Othello WA 99344. (509) 301-9512.
E-mail: pureeiredairy@aol.com. Website: www.PureEireDairy.com.

Ramstead Ranch—we treat our animals with kindness and our land with respect.

Shop individual cuts or bulk options in our convenient online store. We’ll deliver to you direct from the farm.

  • Beef—100% Grassfed and grass-finished on our lush pastures; steaks, roasts, ribs and more.
  • Lamb—100% Grassfed and grass finished Romney lamb for a sweet, mild flavor.
  • Pork—Pasture-raised Berkshire pork; chops, sausages, bacon, hams, and more.
  • Chicken—Pasture-raised chickens are moved to new pastures daily; whole birds, breasts, legs, thighs and more.
  • Turkey—Pasture-raised turkeys that forage on actively growing pastures; whole birds available seasonally.
  • Organ meats, lard/suet, and bones are also available by the package.

We invite you to come experience one of our annual on-farm events so you can get to know your farmer and better understand how your food is raised. Also, visit our website to order online or learn about our delivery locations in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Ramstead Ranch, Eileen Napier, PO Box 470, 990 Dennis Road, Ione, WA 99139. (509) 442-4725.
E-mail: the.team@ramsteadranch.com. Website: www.ramsteadranch.com; Facebook: www.facebook.com/RamsteadRanch. Instagram: www.instagram.com/ramsteadranch/.

Top of Page

Red Mountain Grass Fed Beef are raised on river-bottom native and heritage grasses along the Yakima River at the base of Red Mountain (premium wine country).

We have set very high standards and practices for ourselves. We never, never, use grains, antibiotics, fertilizers, chemicals, growth hormones, etc. We use a machete to hand chop weeds (no health club fees here!) and have a no-till policy. Cattle are rotated between our pastures These cattle are 100% grass fed and finished. The land has an impressive earth worm population, and our fish keep busy cleaning our water trough. Our location is extremely peaceful and stress free.

We are not certified and have no plans to do so. We may exceed certified standards. (We get a little nuts with producing clean food.) Typically, all of our steers are called for, but this year we had a few cancellations.

Harvest is about as stress free as it can be. Any sign of stress, we do not proceed with harvest. Stress really does affect the taste, and harvest is extremely important.

Please check-out our website, https://www.redmountaingrassfedbeef.com. When possible, get to know your farmer. We love to have visitors and bring the kids...you will all learn a lot.

Red Mountain Grass Fed Beef, Gary, 43821 North River Road, Benton City, WA 99320. (509) 392-9802.
E-mail: garydale14@gmail.com. Website: https://www.redmountaingrassfedbeef.com/.

Roaming Bison Ranch is here to offer the most convenient way to get grass-fed, grass-finished bison and beef. We also have pastured Mangalitsa pork available intermittently.

What we offer: We have an assortment of bundles available on our website for our customers to choose from. Pick the bundle that works best for you, order online, and we can ship it to your doorstep (for free!). We ship anywhere in MT, ID, WA, OR, UT, WY, ND, and CO, with other states available upon request.

If you are close by and want to make a day of it, we love having people come to the ranch to see our operation when picking up their order. You can see the bison, the pigs, the friendly cows, and a couple fuzzy miniature donkeys.

Our products are individually vacuum sealed. Only want one steak? No problem! Animals are processed at a local USDA facility, and dry age 14 days before packaging.

About the ranch: We are a built-from-the-ground-up, first generation ranch. We fully embrace sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices. We aren’t battling tradition to implement new ideas as we find them, and the quality of our products is a great example of how effective newer practices can be.

Roaming Bison Ranch is in St. Ignatius, MT. All our animals are slow grown and harvested when they are truly “finished.” Our grass-finished beef (and even bison) have wonderful marbling. Intramuscular fat is deposited in grass finished animals after most of the animals’ bone growth is completed, so age 24–30 months is an ideal time to harvest. No sub-therapeutic antibiotics, no grain, nothing unnatural.

Animal wellbeing and product quality are our main priorities. Everything goes hand-in-hand, and having healthy soil means healthy pasture, which means healthy, happy, delicious animals.

Roaming Bison Ranch, Laura Wheeler, 60756 Watson Road, Saint Ignatius, MT 59865. (406) 546 5197.
E-mail: info@roamingbisonranch.com. Website: https://roamingbisonranch.com.

Sage View Farm is located in Ellensburg, Washington. We provide custom raised, 100% grain-free, grass fed beef raised in an all natural environment. We are a reputable farm where we stand behind our product 100%.

Our excellent Angus cross bred beef are grown on lush green pastures that are maintained through sustainable pasture management. We care about how we raise our beef and it shows in our returning satisfied customers. At Sage View Farm, we offer beef that is:

➡ Custom raised, grass fed, grain-free
➡ Hormone-, additive-, and antibiotic-free
➡ Competitively priced
➡ A consistently exceptional product
➡ Processed by a reputable certified custom butcher
➡ Delivered in Washington

Visit us on our website and on Facebook. Feel free to call or email for more information.

Sage View Farm, Tim and Jana McIntyre, 11461 Thrall Road, Ellensburg WA 98926. (509) 607-3805.
E-mail: sageviewfarm@yahoo.com. Website: http://www.sageviewfarm.com.

Sea Breeze Farm is a diverse, multi-species, “beyond organic,” grass-based animal farm, formerly located on the beautiful Isle of Vashon in Washington’s picturesque Puget Sound. Although we still maintain our original property on the island, we have moved our farm operation into the gorgeous Nehalem River Valley located in the majestic Misty Mountains of Northwest Oregon, about 20 miles from Longview, Washington. For the time being we continue to sell from our mobile meat truck in Seattle and Vashon. Please see website for full details.

We do not apply commercial fertilizers of any kind to our pastures, relying instead on a grazing technique modeled after the migratory habits of wild cattle and bird populations. This labor-intensive, rotational system allows our freely-ranging poultry flocks to symbiotically forage, fertilize and cleanse the pastures behind our dairy herd. The resulting animal proteins produced on our farm are of infinitely superior quality, both flavor- and health-wise than those produced conventionally, and in our opinion are significantly superior to typical “Organic” animal products. We also take pride in the sustainability and resource-wise management of our farm systems.

Our full range of Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats, sausage, pâtés, and charcuterie are available at our “Magic Meat Truck” popups in Seattle and Vashon. We now offer shipping through our website to locations in Washington and Oregon. Please see our website for details on Shopping and Shipping.

Farmers Market Popups. Please see our website for current details:

  • University District Farmer’s Market Popup, 5229 University Way NE Seattle—Saturdays 9am–2 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats
  • Vashon Island Popup, Downtown Vashon—Saturdays 5:30pm–8 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats
  • Ballard Farmer’s Market Popup, 5200 Ballard Ave NW—Sundays 9am–2 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats

Sea Breeze Farm, George Page, Vashon Island, WA 98070.
E-mail: https://www.seabreeze.farm/contact-us. Website: https://www.seabreeze.farm/.

Skagit River Ranch is a family-owned organic farm located in Sedro-Woolley.logo We specialize in 100% grass-fed, Certified Organic Angus and Wagyu (Kobe) beef.

Certified Organic since 1998, we farm bio-dynamically to build the soil and nutrient rich grass that grow healthy animals. No antibiotics. No hormones. No chemicals. We practice sustainable agriculture by using a pasture rotation system where our animals graze on new green pasture on a daily basis to receive maximum nutrition without overburdening the soil. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the most wholesome, best tasting, ethically raised Certified Organic beef, pork, chicken and eggs available.

Our Certified Organic Meats & Eggs can be purchased at our Farm Store, selected stores & farmer’s markets listed below:

  • Farm Store on our ranch – We sell individual cuts of meat, eggs, as well as beef in quarters, halves, or wholes (place order online, pick up at store). Open Saturdays from 10 am – 6 pm all year.
  • Stores: Marlene’s Market & Deli (Federal Way & Tacoma), Central Co-op/Madison Market (Seattle), PCC Natural Market (Edmonds & Redmond), Nature’s Market (Kent), Rockridge Orchards (Enumclaw), Skagit Valley Food Co-op (Mount Vernon), Public Market/Terra Organica (Bellingham)
  • Farmer’s Markets: University, Ballard, West Seattle, Bellevue, Edmonds

Please see details on our website.

We can now ship our Certified Organic Wagyu (Kobe) Beef and Certified Organic Pork products via Federal Express to anywhere in the U.S. Although we encourage people to purchase locally as much as possible, if you cannot find a good local source on the eatwild.com guide, we will gladly ship our products to you. Just go to our website and place your order online, it will ship to you FedEx 2Day (shipping is included in the price of the items).

Skagit River Ranch, LLC., George and Eiko Vojkovich, 28778 Utopia Road, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284. (360) 856-0722. Fax: (360) 856-1372.
E-mail: eiko@cnw.com. Website: www.skagitriverranch.com.

Skiyou Ranch is a fourth generation small family farm located in Sedro Woolley, about an hour and a half north of Seattle. We specialize in 100% grassfed Certified Organic Angus beef.


We are a closed herd, therefore no exposure, having no risk of disease. No antibiotics or chemicals are used. We are a sustainable farm promoting humanely and ethically raised animals.

Please visit our website for ordering details.

Skiyou Ranch, Tarie and Lonn Benson, 26910 Duffy Road, Sedro Wooley WA 98284. (360) 708-3292.
E-mail: skiyouranch@gmail.com. Website: www.skiyouranch.com.

3 Sisters Family Farms raises all-natural grass fed and grass finished beef, all-natural pork, grass fed and grass finished lamb, and all-natural broilers (chickens). We are primarily self sufficient, raising all the feed that our animals eat. We focus on having a very low stress environment where our animals are born, raised and butchered here on the farm. We are involved in the mobile slaughter unit that comes right to the farm.

We farm about 800 acres here on Whidbey Island. Our individual meat cuts are available for purchase year around at 3 Sisters Market which is open everyday from 9am to 6pm. We do sell our meat in 1/4, 1/2 and wholes for bulk purchases.

3 Sisters Farmily Farms, Roshel Donwen, 779 Holbrook Road, Coupeville WA 98239.
E-mail: roshel@3sistersbeef.com. Website: www.3sistersbeef.com.

Vital Choice was founded by a 20-year veteran Alaskan salmon fisherman to provide consumers nation-wide with reliable year-around access to premium quality wild-harvest seafood. The company offers convenient home delivery of hard-to-find, environmentally sustainable, health-promoting foods. These include premium fresh-frozen wild salmon, halibut, sablefish, sardines, tuna, prawns, scallops, king crab, and sockeye salmon oil supplements, as well as organic berries, herbs & spices, teas, nuts, dark chocolate and more. Products sources are the purest available and guaranteed sustainably harvested from healthy, well-managed fisheries and farms.

Shipping is free on orders $99 and over, and all orders are 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Vital Choice is endorsed by a large number of health experts and environmental organizations, and a percentage of annual sales are donated to non profit organizations, such as the Natural Resources Defense Counsel, The Marine Stewardship Counsel, The Blue Ocean Institute, The Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Live Strong Foundation, and others.

Vital Choice products are available via our direct-mail catalog and website or call our toll free number.

Our customer service operators are available: Monday through Friday: 7 am to 5 pm Saturday 9-5 Sundays 10-5. (All times Pacific).

Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics, Randy Hartnell, PO Box 4121, Bellingham WA 98225. (800) 608-4825 (Customer Service) or (360) 325-0104 (Office).
E-mail: randy@vitalchoice.com. Website: www.vitalchoice.com.

West Valley Beef is committed to providing quality grass-fed beef while maintaining the environment. Located in the fertile Snoqualmie Valley, our beef are managed over 120 acres of lush green pasture and hay ground. Our beef is 100% grass-fed and at no time are they fed grain, by-products, or given growth hormones or other growth enhancers.

A third generation farming family, we are passionate about farming and educating people about the importance of maintaining the family farm and locally grown products.

Our animals are raised in a stress-free, calm environment and are available by the 1/4, 1/2, or whole carcass cut to your specifications by the butcher. Call or e-mail for more information or to reserve your beef.

West Valley Beef, Chuck and Bobbi Lindemulder, 18817 West Snoqualmie Valley Road NE, Duvall WA 98019. (425) 788-1650
E-mail: chucknbob@aol.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestValleyBeef/.

Whitaker Farms is located near Odessa, WA where we graze cattle on open range. In our closed herd calves are born, raised and finished on the ranch. They live in clean pastures with fresh water and free-choice of alfalfa grass hay.

We are a small, family-owned and operated ranch committed to raising the healthiest beef possible. We have been in the cattle business for over twenty years. Our mission is to provide you with clean, wholesome grassfed beef, reliably delivered to your freezer.

Whitaker cattle are grazed on natural and diverse pastures. We don't use hormones or antibiotics and the pastures are also free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

We believe that many food products on the market today are not safe and that animals are not raised in a clean environment. We feel that our product is safe from disease and bacteria because we have a closed herd.

You can order from us by going to our website. Credit cards are welcome.

Whitaker Grassfed Beef LLC, Richard Whitaker, PO Box 551, Odessa WA 99159. (509) 982-2028.
E-mail: rich@whitakergrassfedbeef.com. Website: https://whitakergrassfedbeef.com/.

Wild Edge Farm is a small family farm west of Port Angeles, Washington. Our land lies along the Elwha River, a resource that has for centuries fed the people of this area. The name Wild Edge Farm comes from our belief that today, more than ever, nurtured wild edges are an essential ingredient for health and well-being. By managing grazing and leaving edges, our pastures maintain diversity and improve soil health, allowing us to offer grass fed beef and pork that is nutrient dense from animals raised with care.

We practice regenerative agriculture, focusing on soil life by minimizing tillage, and utilizing cover crops, bio-char, multi-species grazing, and crop rotation. By integrating animal agriculture with our vegetable production we improve soil health while increasing the nutrient density of our vegetables. Our heritage breed Tamworth hogs are raised outdoors year round on the farm. Our beef is 100% grass fed, moved daily to maximize nutrition. The flash grazing of beef followed by pigs and chickens limits disturbance and distributes nutrients to the pasture grasses.

We sell beef and pork shares, as well as quarter, half and whole animals. Sign up is year round. We supply meat and vegetables locally at the Port Angeles Farmers’ Market and through the Farm to Food Pantry program. Our 20 week CSA runs from mid-June to early November.

If you are interested in purchasing, please visit our website for more information on how to order. Our focus is local, so we do not ship.

Wild Edge Farm, Jim and Karen Weaver, 621 Sisson Road, Port Angeles, WA 98363. 360-912-2977.
E-mail: wildedgefarm@gmail.com. Website: www.wildedgefarm.com.

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Windy N Ranch, Ellensburg, WA. Beef, chickens (roasters and stewing hens), pheasants, pork, turkey, lamb, goat, and chicken eggs. Shipping available in the Western states.

Simply stated: clean food, animals do not do drugs, Certified Organic pastures, Certified Organic beef, pigs, goats, lamb, turkeys, pheasants, and chickens, and all Animal Welfare Approved. One stop ranch for all your proteins. Come for a tour to see for yourself.

Windy N Ranch is located in Eastern Washington’s Kittitas Valley, just outside Ellensburg and Central Washington University. One visit and you’ll know why we’re called the Windy N Ranch. The winds blow easterly from the Cascades, keeping our environment crisp, clean, and clear, as you can see from our views.

We are committed to the humane treatment of all our animals as we strive to bring you the highest quality grassfed and pastured animal products including:

  • Grassfed Certified Organic Wagyu (as in Kobe beef) / Black Angus Beef (exclusively grassfed)
  • Certified Organic Freedom Ranger pastured meat Chickens aka pastured Poulet Rouge Chickens via France
  • Pastured Certified Organic Ring-Necked Pheasants
  • Pastured Certified Organic Pork
  • Pastured Certified Organic heritage Thanksgiving Turkeys
  • Pastured Certified Organic Lamb (exclusively grassfed)
  • Pastured Certified Organic Goat (exclusively grassfed), and
  • Real honest to goodness free-range Certified Organic chicken Eggs.

Our animals browse our high quality native grasses as well as our own orchardgrass and alfalfa. They are never fed nor given antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids, stimulants or ionophores, and our fields do not receive herbicides or pesticides, bringing you a healthier product, lower in fat and higher in heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

Certifications, memberships and where our ranch is headed:

  1. Certified by Animal Welfare Approved—A tough certification to obtain and maintain. We have more species certified in the United States than any other; crazy, aren't we!
  2. USDA Certified Organic—Certified Organic beef, pigs, lambs, goats, turkeys, pheasants, meat chickens and chicken eggs. A tough certification to obtain and maintain.
  3. Member Washington Cattlemen's Association
  4. Kittitas County Sheep Producers

We treat our animals and customers with respect and welcome your visit to the Windy N Ranch for a tour. We can ship to you if you cannot visit us. There is nothing like a firsthand visit to assure you of your food source. Please call or email us to make arrangements.

Windy N Ranch, Bradley and Lisha Newhall, 3650 Passmore Road, Ellensburg WA 98926. Ranch: (509) 260-2008. Greg: (509) 607-0105; Bradley Mobile: (509) 607-3256.
E-mail: bradley@windyNranch.com, greg@windyNranch.com. Website: https://www.windynranch.com/. Check us out on Craig’s List as well.

Wortley Ranch raises grass fed cattle, sheep and goats the way they were meant to live—grass beneath their feet and sun on their backs. Our livestock live peacefully on the lush green grasses in SW Washington near the small town of Frances.

You can be assured that the meat you feed your family from our farm are raised on grass and not in a feedlot, are free of antibiotics and artificial hormones, and have been raised with kindness, a genuine love for animals and farming, and with preservation of the land and health of our animals always in mind. My family have raised cattle and farmed for generations and the tradition continues with us supplying you superior products.

We sell grassfed beef in whole, halves and quarters, and lambs in whole or half orders. Local delivery can be arranged or picked up at a local meat shop. For ordering information phone, e-mail, or visit our website.

Thanks for supporting your local farms.

Wortley Ranch, Debbie & Steve Wortley, 8 Wildhaber Road, Raymond, WA 98577. 360-934-5840.
E-mail: wortleyranch@yahoo.com. Website: www.wortleyranch.com.

Page updated 2/2/2025.

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